52. Modifying our code for different element types

Questions and discussion for this lecture live here. Fire away by hitting Reply below :fire:

Hello. Maybe this will be a bit of a trivial question because I’m an electrical engineer :), but what if I wanted to add a beam-type element to the model, would I have to exclude moments from the tables related to forces that affect the inequilibrium force in iterations loop?

Hi @Maksymilian.Tomczyk1 - Yes, if you wanted to include beam elements (that ignored geometric non-linearity) you would exclude their influence from the convergence analysis applied to the cable elements.

I nice stretch goal when you complete the course :slight_smile:


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Yep, im thinking about that because i will get nice solver for my daily basis calculation (supporting structure of the overhead contact line for tramway and troleybuses). Are you considering(ofc. in future:)) some dynamic analyse courses? I know its not simple task to write such course and the topic is not that simple but
I think there would be a take on this topic, (like ancf beam or non linear euler beam with mass spring damper force with some velocity, acting on that beam, classic case of overhead contact wire and current collector in electrical traction). Particularly because the way you lecture is very clear and makes it easy to delve into the topic. Just consider, I know perfectly well that time cannot be stretched:)

Yes, I would very much like to develop some new dynamics courses - dynamics of frame structures would be great and I’ll get to it eventually but my likely next foray into dynamics will be for the modal analysis of plates because it has direct application to occupant-induced floor vibration - an area I’m particularly interested in.

Time is my biggest limiting factor! So much to do but so little time :roll_eyes:
