New Course Update...we have a title and some nice pictures!

Hi All,

Just a quick one to update you that I’ve got a title for the new course…

You’ll see the details above published on the DegreeTutors front page. I’m trying to cram a lot into this one…I’m particularly keen that we make the most out of what Blender has to offer. An easy to navigate 3D playground like Blender really becomes invaluable as we start to explore more complex geometries.

As you can see from the image above, this will also be a member only course (with a short window for email subscribers to purchase just after launch). A trend you’ll see is that more and more of these flagship courses will shift to being members only as I try to encourage more people to join rather than purchase one-off access.

Anyone, that’s it from me, more course details to follow soon.

Have a good week.
