7. 3 dimensions and matrix notation

Questions and discussion for this lecture live here. Fire away by hitting Reply below :fire:

Hi Sean,

I wonder if Slides of the previous Lectures are available. I can’t see in “File” or “link”



Hey @marco.origgi,

I’m afraid I don’t have downloadable versions of the handwritten notes. The idea here is that you build up your own versions by writing alongside these lessons and making additional notes as you work - after 10 years of teaching in person, I’ve found that this makes for a much more effective learning experience.

Hope you’re enjoying the course :+1:


Hi Sean,
no problem, I was taking notes during the Lectures, as usual. The course is interesting, for an old Structural Eng. like me. actually at my “time” I used Fortran to write my FEM programs (beams and Shell elements); now I am facing to Python… :smiley:



Haha…the same thing will happen to us all one day Marco…Python will eventually become Fortran :roll_eyes: