18. Worked Example #1

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Hi Sean,

When I open the “Lecture 18 Jupyter Notebook” files that I downloaded from the sources section using Jupyter Notebook, I get the following error:

“File Load Error for Worked Example
Invalid response: 404 Not Found”

However, the files can be opened with Jupyter Lab. I would appreciate it if you could assist me with this issue.

Hi @mrgurer,

I’ve just checked and the files are opening for me in Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook. The error suggests that you are trying to access a file that doesn’t exist in the location you think it does. Are you sure you’re trying to open the correct file when using Notebook rather than Lab?

It’s tricky for me to assist because I can’t recreate the error on this end.


I renamed the file by removing the special characters (e.g., #, (, )), and the issue was resolved. I appreciate your assistance and guidance.

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Hi Sean,
Could you confirm where the damping coefficient formula comes from? I cant seem to find it in any of the notes I have made on this course so far and don’t remember it being discussed, but I may have just missed something.

Thank you

Sure…back in lecture 14, if you combine equations 2 and 4, you get the expression for damping coefficient used in this lecture.

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