16. Fixing the 3D scale problem

Questions and discussion for this lecture live here. Fire away by hitting Reply below :fire:

At about 7:55 you mentioned that you would expect to get a square in divisions when you look at elevation and rotation to 0. There is a variable called box_aspect that is a tulle with a default value of (4,4,3). This value can be change by adding box_aspect=(4,4,4) after projection=‘3d’ in fig.add_axes().
Or it can be set in another line of code using axes.set_box_aspect(4,4,4).
Also, to get an orthogonal view (instead of perspective), pass proj_type=‘ortho’ in fig.add_axes()

Fantastic thanks @Tom1961. Great contribution.

I have to assume that these (at least proj_type) are more recent additions to matplotlib because I did a lot of head scratching when writing this code to try and fix the scale issue - so fairly sure such a simple solution wasn’t available…less sure I didn’t just miss box_aspect :thinking:.

In any event - thanks again for the contribution!


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Update as of matplotlib 3.6.0

Just wanted to add a small update here, as of matplotlib 3.6.0, set_aspect('equal') now works for 3D plots. So, in addition to the suggestions above, to obtain correct 3D scaling for a 3D plot, simply call:

axes.set_aspect('equal') #As of matplotlib 3.6.0

…assuming axes is the handle to your axis.
